جملات معلوم ومجهول در زبان انگلیسی

قالب گراف

جملات معلوم ومجهول در زبان انگلیسی

جملات معلوم ومجهول در زبان انگلیسی


جملات معلوم و مجهول (active and passive sentences)


.where the person or thing doing the action is the subject of a sentences or verb

زمانی ما از فعل معلوم استفاده می کنیم، که درباره این که فاعل چه کاری انجام داده است صحبت شود.


.My grandfather was a builder. He built this house in 1935


the form of the verb that shows that the action is done by a person or thing to another person or thing

زمانی که ما از فعل مجهول استفاده میکنیم، ما درباره اینکه چه اتفاقی افتاده است صحبت میکنیم و فاعل یا انجام دهنده کار مشخص نیست.


.This house is quite old. It was built in 1935

تبدیل جملات معلوم به مجهول (Transform active verb to passive verb)

برای تبدیل کردن جملات معلوم به مجهول, مفعول به جای فاعل می آید و نقش نایب فاعل را می گیرد.


Active sentences: subject + verb + object + adverb

Passive sentences: deputy of subject + Derivatives of to be + p.p. + adverb

Present simple

. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + (am/is/are) + p.p


.Active: she sees me every day

.Passive: I am seen every day

Past simple

. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + (was/were) + p.p


.Active: Sonia wrote a letter yesterday

.Passive: A letter was written yesterday

Future simple

. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + will be + p.p


.Active: I will clean the window tomorrow

.Passive: The window will be cleaned tomorrow

Present continuous

. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + (am/is/are) being + p.p


.Active: They are painting the wall

.Passive: The wall is being painted

Past continuous

. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + (was/were) being + p.p


.Active: she was washing the kitchen

.Passive: The kitchen was being washed

Present perfect

. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + (have/has) been + p.p


.Active: He has broken the glass

.Passive: The glass has been broken

Past perfect

. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + had been + p.p


.Active: We had bought some books for school

.Passive: Some books had been bought for the school

Future perfect

. . . + Instruction: deputy of subject + will have ben + p.p


.Active: He will have bought a new car by 2012

.Passive: A new car will have been bought by 2012

نکته 1:

بعضی از افعال میتوانند دو مفعول داشته باشند، بنابراین میتوانیم از این افعال دو جمله مجهول درست کنیم.

.Some verb can have two objects. So it possible to make two passive sentences

.The verbs which can have two objects

(ask – offer – pay – show – teach – tell – give)


Active: Somebody gave the police the information = Somebody gave the information to the police

Passive: 1.The police were given the information.


.Passive: 2. The information was given to the police

.When we use these verbs in the passive, most often we begin with the person

وقتی این افعال را در جملات مجهول بکار میبریم, اغلب, جمله را با شخص شروع میکنیم

نکته 2:

میتوانیم در جملات مجهول به جای be از فعل get استفاده کنیم.

We can use get instead of be in the passive


(There was a fight at the party, but nobody got hurt. = (nobody was hurt

(I don’t often get invited to parties. = (I’m not often invited

(I’m surprised Liz didn’t get offered the job. = (Liz wasn’t offered the job

نکته 3:

ما از کلمه get فقط میتوانیم در جمله هایی که اتفاقی را توضیح میدهند استفاده کنیم.

.We can use get only when things happen

:For example we can use get in the following sentences

(Jill is liked by everybody. (not gets liked – this is not a happening

(He was a mystery man. Very little was known about him. (not got known


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